Tribune (Tribunus)
The Tribune was a high-ranking officer, and there were generally six tribunes in each legion. Tribunes were often young men of noble birth who were assigned to the military for a few years as part of their political and social careers. The role of the Tribune was a mixture of administrative, judicial, and military responsibilities, including overseeing the training of soldiers, organizing campaigns, and maintaining discipline. In battle, the Tribune could also take command of a unit in the absence of a Centurion.
Legate (Legatus)
A Legate was a senior officer who commanded a legion (approximately 5,000 soldiers). The Legate was appointed directly by the emperor or by the Senate and often came from the higher echelons of Roman society. They were responsible for the overall strategy, administration, and command of the legion, and their role was critical in leading campaigns and battles. Legates often served as trusted advisors to the emperor and had considerable influence within the military and political spheres. shutdown123