Legionary (Legionarius)
The Legionary was the backbone of the Roman army, a regular soldier who served in the legions. They were heavily armored, typically equipped with a shield, sword (gladius), and a spear (pilum). Legionaries were responsible for frontline combat, fort construction, and other essential military duties. To become a Legionary, an individual had to be a Roman citizen, and their service often lasted for 25 years. After serving their time, Legionaries were granted land or a monetary reward.
Centurion (Centurio)
A Centurion was a professional officer who commanded a unit of approximately 80 men, known as a century. Centurions were the backbone of the Roman leadership in the field and were responsible for training, discipline, and battlefield tactics. The Centurion was often the highest-ranking officer that most Roman soldiers would interact with. The role required extensive experience and leadership skills, and Centurions were often promoted based on merit and battlefield performance.
An Optio was a subordinate officer, often serving as an assistant to the Centurion. The Optio's main responsibility was to ensure that orders were followed and to maintain discipline within the century. They were also in charge of administrative tasks, such as organizing the distribution of equipment and supplies. The Optio was the second-in-command and played a key role in maintaining the efficiency and smooth functioning of the unit. shutdown123